Education and Faith Formation
Adult Bible study
A group regularly meets at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings to study one of the Bible studies published by Augsburg Fortress. The readings and discussion are led by lay leaders. First Communion Children of all ages are welcome to receive Communion. However, during Lent, there is an opportunity for children and their parents to learn more about the sacrament. During two 90-minute classes, children, parents and the pastor talk about what a sacrament is, why we celebrate Communion, and prepare for the worship service where the children will receive communion for the first time. Contact Pastor Christina for more information. Confirmation Youth in grades 6-8 are invited to participate in confirmation classes with Pastor Christina and other caring adults. Confirmation is about grappling with questions and exploring the promises adults made on behalf of a child at his or her baptism. It is about
Contact Pastor Christina for more information. |